Author and Vendor Book Fair
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Author Hero book coaching will help you be the hero of your writing & publishing story.
Doug Dorow, a successful author and Author Accelerator certified book coach, will work with you to develop your book from story idea to published book.
Visit AuthorHero.com to learn about the services offered including: initial story outline/blueprint guidance; ongoing writing/accountability support; manuscript evaluation; publication strategy and execution.

Calumet Editions is an author-focused publisher on the leading edge of the changes in the publishing industry. We seek authors who want to develop a strong presence in publishing and are willing to work hard to achieve that goal by author branding. We are not as interested in the single, seasonally published new book as in an author’s life work. We believe a book should be alive forever, not outdated once the next publishing season rolls around. We find the old model — acquisition, print, distribute, sell, return unsold copies, remainder, pulp, put the book out-of-print — disastrously unhelpful for authors; thus, in our new publishing model we seek authors who are willing to fully partner with us for shared risk and shared success. calumeteditions.com

Connie Anderson has been editing book manuscripts for many years—in a wide variety of genres. Her author clients appreciate the insights and honesty she brings to her editing, and agree that the right editor can help make your book the best possible…so find one you can trust. She also makes sure authors write to their intended market, and that they know and avoid costly mistakes in the publishing process. Connie offers FREE sample edit of up to eight manuscript pages. She is also the author of When Polio Came Home, The I of a Woman, Faces of Boys, Hearts of Men.

Katherine Barton is a lover of writing, singing, dancing, family, and Minnesota’s precious lands and waters. She volunteers for environmental and community causes and is anchored by her knowledge of multiple faith traditions including Buddhism and Sufism.
Katherine’s life work has centered on helping individuals and organizations move forward with vision and authenticity. She has designed sessions on project planning, aging, visualization, empowering one's ancestral allies and the power of intention. A former faculty member of Saint Catherine University, Katherine has degrees from Macalester College and Hamline University in psychology and creative writing respectively. She lives in St. Paul, Minnesota. kabarton.com

Mary E. Berg is a retired associate professor of clinical education, a resume writer, published author, and poet. A Mystic in the Mystery: Poems of Spirit, Seasons, and Self was released in February 2024. She studied writing at the Loft Literary Center, the Madeline Island School of the Arts, and the Split Rock Arts Program. Her poems have appeared in Unity Magazine, Daily Word, and The Phoenix Spirit. Her website is: marybergresumewriter.com

Mary Bleckwehl writes for children and young adults. Her fourteen published books include a debut graphic novel and Fetching Dreams, which was awarded the Young Adult Book of the Year from the Minnesota Library Association. She has six new books due out in 2025. A former teacher, Bleckwehl has presented to over 100,000 students in schools and writing conferences as an author. She lives in Northfield MN and enjoys gardening, biking, and spending time with family. marybleckwehl.com

A native of Wyoming, Bonnie Bley spent her formative years in the border reservation town of Hardin, Montana. In the late 1980s, she made Minnesota her home Her love for writing began early and it was her ninth grade English teacher, Mr. Edwin Auker, who instilled her passion in writing with a focus on non-fiction.
Bonnie’s book, Stolen Voices: Missing and Murdered in Big Horn County, won awards from The BookFest, Literary Global, Person of the Year, Story Trade, Regal Summit, American Writing Awards, Royal Dragonfly, North Street, and Chanticleer International Book Awards for her work on. She has also gained the endorsement of two MMIP (Missing or Murdered Indigenous Persons) Advocates for her work on this title.

Kristy Boike lost her mom to cancer and turned grief into hope through “Rudolph’s Bluebird Houses” with her family. Now, she’s written a children’s book about processing loss entitled Rise Up, Little Bluebirds which has gained national attention as a message of hope through grief. riseuplittlebluebirds.com

Annmarie Boyle, author of the award-winning Storyhill contemporary romance series, is a believer in the transformative power of love, friendship, and laughter. Known for her witty dialogue and characters that feel like old friends, she creates feel-good fiction that blends laugh-out-loud moments, heartfelt introspection, and the perfect escape from life’s daily hustle. When she’s not dreaming up stories, you’ll find her on a quest for the ultimate vanilla latte or lost in a marathon of interior design shows. Find her online at annmarieboyle.com or annmarieboyle.substack.com

Rhonda Buerkle was raised and currently lives in the great state of Minnesota. She is a professional grant writer with over twenty years of experience and is passionate about reading, writing, and teaching her children the love of new places and new faces. Woofy Toofy was Rhonda's first published book, followed by Woofy's Big Adventure, Woofy at the Farm, and Woofy at the Big Apple. Look for the next book of Woofy's adventures to be published in early 2025. rhondabuerkle.com

Nancy Cook is a writer and teaching artist from St. Paul. She founded and directs “The Witness Project,” a program of creative writing initiatives in North Minneapolis. Her work has been published in over 150 literary journals, magazines, and anthologies and she has been awarded grants from the Minnesota State Arts Board, the National Parks Arts Foundation, the Mayo Clinic, Minnesota Humanities Center, and Integrity Arts and Culture. Nancy has served as artist-in-residence at a number of places, most recently at Harpers Ferry National Historic Park. While she works on a book-length collection of hybrid works loosely based on the residency’s theme “site of conscience,” she is sharing, on a weekly basis, short pieces about Harpers Ferry and the Appalachian region through a project called AiRMail. Reach her at witnesswriting@gmail.com or visit her website at NancyLCook.com

Nancy Davidson MSN RN co-wrote a national/international blog for a large medical company and is now retired. Cheddar The Puppy Who Loves, Loves, Loves Balls is her first children’s book—it was a learning experience and a labor of love. Nancy is a big dog person and also loves children’s books. Nancy’s Cocker Spaniel puppy was the inspiration for this book. sites.google.com/view/nancy-davidson

Susan Dean grew up in the southern United States and made Minnesota her home after attending Macalester College. A brief diversion to North Carolina resulted in a Master’s degree in human development and a strong desire to promote mental health awareness. Susan has held a variety of professional positions in human resources, management training, newsletter writing, and database management. After retiring, she redirected her writing skills toward fiction, and created the Abby MacMillan cozy mystery series. She currently lives in Northfield, Minnesota. susandeanmysteries.com

Jenney Egertson has always been a storyteller.Throughout her career, she’s brought her love of connection and writing to high school classrooms, corporate America, and nonprofit clients as a communications consultant. At age sixty-four, she published her first book, Before I Leave, which won a 2019 Independent Publisher Book Award. When the subject of her second book, Selma’s Mayor, died in May of 2023, Jenney completed the story of former Selma Mayor George Evans’ life and leadership with the help of his family. She published the book in 2024.
Jenney’s nonfiction writing is committed to not only presenting research, but relationships. Her love for the craft and for people helps her to bring three-dimensional depth to the two-dimensional page. jenneyegertson.com

Lynn Garthwaite is the author of eleven books and is a copy editor for two magazines. She has short stories in four anthologies and is working with a producer on the pre-production of a limited series for her mystery/thriller novel Starless Midnight. She is currently writing screenplays, both for the big screen and for television. Lynn served as a police reserve officer for eleven years, is married, and has two adult sons and grandkids. bluespectrumbooks.com

Amy Gregg is author of Book Fest award-winning Farmed & Dangerous and Minnesota Book Award-nominated Relic Chosen: Magic and Madness. She is also the author of Through the Woods and Next Weekend,
When not writing, she enjoys movies, reading, spending time with family and friends, and spirited discussions of all things Marvel. Amy is also a member of the national organization Sisters in Crime as well as the local Twin Cities chapter. She volunteers as the Literary Liaison for the Arts Consortium of Carver County, to help local writers share their literary voice. A native Minnesotan who grew up in the suburbs of Minneapolis, Amy lives with her daughter and cats west of the Twin Cities. foxpointepublishing.com/author-amy-gregg-1

Spirit Herman is a yoga instructor, veteran, and storyteller whose life journey embodies resilience, self-discovery, and transformation. After serving in the military and overcoming life-altering challenges, including recovering from severe burn injuries and navigating the complexities of healing—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—Scott found solace and strength in yoga. His practice became not just a way to rebuild his body but a pathway to reclaim his sense of purpose and inner peace.
Through his book, Flow Through the Alphabet: A Journey of Self-Discovery, Scott combines the wisdom of yoga, the power of storytelling, and a deep commitment to helping others find their own paths to healing and growth. His unwavering belief in the possibility of renewal and his heartfelt dedication to helping others shines through in everything he does. spiritherman.com

Julie Hoag is a multi-pen name author of both romance and nonfiction. She writes YA and New Adult Contemporary Romance, Romance, Middle Grade Fantasy, Minnesota influenced cookbooks, and self help. She's also a food and recipe podcaster at Vegetarians & Meat-Lovers: Split Table Recipes Podcast. Her website is juliehoagwriter.com

Royce Holladay, self-proclaimed "hunter/gatherer/sharer" of possibility: She seeks unexpected patterns, experiencing slow, growing recognition in new ideas, and bright bursts of insights. She wants the same for her readers.
Royce has co-authored six non-fiction books for navigating personal and professional life. She’s a poet, having published a book of haiku and a book of free-verse poetry. Her most recent is a four-part series, tracing each season’s patterns with Haiku and daily self-reflection questions. Royce coaches and hosts writing groups to help people to bring their stories to life. Royce-Writes.com

Bob Junghans writes novels under the pen name, Rob Jung.
Born in the wine country of California; Rob grew up in a beautiful, little Mississippi River town in Wisconsin; and was educated in the Minnesota State University system and Harvard Law School. Rob now lives the writer's life in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota.
His first book, Cloud Warriors, a paranormal thriller, arises from a genetic anomaly; the existence of a white-skinned, fair-haired tribe that lived atop the Andes Mountains in the time of the Incas. His most recent novel, Judgment Day, is a psychological thriller and the third and final novel of the Chimera Chronicles, a trilogy that started with The Reaper and continues with The Sower.
Follow Rob, his books and his blog, The View from Middle Spunk Creek, at robjungwriter.com. To receive his free monthly newsletter, click here.

Edie Karras moved to Minneapolis, Minnesota in 1985, but grew up in Des Moines, Iowa. Her parents both loved photography, and she can still picture her dad with his Nikon, shooting nature photos on canoe and hiking trips. Then her mom got in the game—her collection of canyon photos are stunning, and she captured the joy and spontaneity of the Bike Ride Across Iowa for many years.
Edie has been taking photos for over three decades. Favorite subjects include nature, food, kids, and pets. She has made a lot of products and participated in lots of events, but creating picture books has been the most challenging and rewarding thing she’s ever done with her photos. emkarts.com

Evelyn Klein has a B.S. in Secondary Education and an M.S. in English. She taught in the public schools, at Century College, and Loft Literary Center. She is editor of The Minnesota Scholar. A prize-winning poet, her poetry and articles appear in numerous publications. Evelyn is author of From Here Across the Bridge, Once Upon a Neighborhood, and Seasons of Desire, books of poetry, essays, and illustrations placed in the Minnesota Historical Society’s permanent library collection. Latest books are Fear and Promise, poetry, and Power Behind Your Writing: What Every Writer Needs to Know. evelynkleinauthor.com

Dr. Steve Lansing, PhD is a licensed therapist specializing in trauma and PTSD with a focus on veterans and other victims of severe trauma and is a mental health specialist for the Minnesota Veteran’s Treatment Court. He is a Vietnam veteran 1968–1970, U.S. Air Force, and is in long-term PTSD recovery. Founder of the dual recovery program, Empower CTC, he also serves as the President of Veterans Empowered, an organization devoted to increasing awareness and knowledge of the societal impact of untreated PTSD in combat veterans. Dr. Lansing is the co-author of Veterans in Crisis: Treating the Unique Needs of Those Who Served. vetsempowered.org

Mike Lein is an award-winning Minnesota author who writes about the lighter side of outdoor adventures in Minnesota and other wild places. His 6th book The Last Cabin—Maybe,,, was published in 2024 and revolves around the misadventures of building a fancy addition to his humble cabin, at an age some would consider “too old.”

Lovely Woods is a publisher currently focused on bringing two worlds to life: Nevertold and its lands of Nevold, and the three planets of Thirin’s Belt from the forthcoming Conquering Chronicles. As a small, independent publisher with fewer than a handful of workers, their ambitious goals include eventually opening these worlds beyond the stories they write to offer opportunities for other writers and artists in the community to contribute to their established mythos. lovelywoods.co

Nathan Lueth is a twenty-year veteran freelance illustrator, storyboard artist, and graphic novelist. He's worked with Target, General Mills, Inverse Press, Wannabe Press, Writers of the Round Table, and more. He is the co-creator of the steampunk graphic novel series, Impure Blood, the editor/publisher of the modern fantasy comic anthology, Concrete Arcanum, and to date has raised over $100,000 on Kickstarter. His latest comic series, The Canon of Vangel, is the heartwarming tale of a girl, her demon, and the end of the world. nathanluethillustration.com

Brian Lutterman is the author of Incel, a thriller set in Minnesota, and Downfall, which launched the Pen Wilkinson series and is described by Mystery Gazette as “. . .an exhilarating action-packed financial thriller . . ” His other books include Nightfall, Deadfall, and Bound to Die, a Minnesota Book Award runner-up. Nightfall was named 2019 runner-up for Minnesota’s best indie adult novel in the Minnesota Library Association’s annual competition. Lutterman lives with his family in the Twin Cities. brianlutterman.com

Originally from Michigan, Michael MacBride now calls Minnesota home. He has delivered newspapers and pizzas, worked for UPS, done collections at a bank, was a roadie for a country band, a grant-writer and funder-researcher for non-profits, taught English, Literature, and Humanities courses at universities and colleges in Minnesota, New Hampshire, Ohio, and Illinois, and held a few other jobs in between.

Craig MacIntosh, former political cartoonist, illustrator, and syndicated comic strip artist for 44 years, served as an infantry platoon leader in Vietnam and lives in Minnesota. He is the author of WOLF's Admiral; Ezekiel Cameron's Wicked Sea; Culling. craigmacintosh.com

Michael Allan Mallory’s The Lost Dragon Murder won the 2022 Best Independent Book Award (BIBA) for Detective Novel, was a finalist for both the Midwest Book Awards and the Silver Falchion Award (presented by the Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference). Revered Minnesota crime writer William Kent Krueger called Mallory’s latest novel, Tiger Claw, “A joy of a read.” Mallory is also the co-author of two novels featuring mystery’s first zoologist sleuth, Lavender “Snake” Jones. He was an editor on Minnesota Not So Nice: Eighteen Tales of Bad Behavior, which was a 2021 Silver Falchion Award finalist. snakejones.com

Melissa R. Meyers is a NICU nurse, author, and small-town reporter. She worked in Afghanistan from 2005–2014 for an international aid organization. She has a B.A. in cross-cultural studies, a B.S.N. degree from Viterbo University, and a Creative Writing Certificate from Minnesota State College Southeast. She strives to craft stories of beauty and hope. She lives in Minnesota with her husband, two children, dog, Jack, and cat, Perry. Her books include: The Snow Trillium; Beneath the Ancient Dust: Inspirational Stories from Nine Years in Afghanistan; Mrs. Beaumont and the Christmas Calendar: An Advent Adventure. melissa-meyers.com

Midwest Independent Publishers Association: Serving the Midwest publishing community with collaborative sharing of publishing, production, promotion, and marketing information. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month on Zoom from September-May and feature publishing experts on marketing, distribution, writing, editing, production, publishing law, and more. Publishers based in the Midwest are invited to enter the annual Midwest Book Awards competition for excellence in books. The awards recognize creativity in content and execution, overall book quality, and the book’s unique contribution to its subject area. mipa.org

Sadie Montgomery is the award-winning author of Atlas of Scars, her debut memoir on surviving complex trauma. She writes to share her journey through trauma to forge connections with those who have walked the same path. She wants others to know their scars are a testimony to their strength. She is passionate about healing and helping others recover. Her work has been published by the CPTSD Foundation and the Tiny Buddha forum. When she’s not writing she spends time working for a local non-profit and enjoying time with family and friends on the shore of Lake Superior. sadiemontgomery.com

Chris Norbury is the UN-gainfully employed, NON-bestselling author of four novels. Each book has earned various book awards most people have never heard about and won’t remember after tonight, anyway. His award-winning Matt Lanier thriller series includes Straight River, Castle Danger and Dangerous Straits.
Chris's newest book—Little Mountain, Big Trouble—is a middle-grade adventure novel inspired by his experiences as a volunteer Big Brother for twenty years. After publishing his first book in 2016, Chris decided to donate a portion of all his book sales to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Through 2023, he’s raised more than $5,700 for his local chapter in southern Minnesota.
Chris belongs to the Twin Cities and national chapters of Sisters in Crime and the Alliance of Independent Authors. He lives in Owatonna, Minnesota with his wife, Sandra. For bizarre reasons even he can’t understand, he’s not only a lifelong golf addict but also loves to take solo canoe trips in Minnesota’s Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. chrisnorbury.com

Daniel O’Brien, with a degree in Advanced Japanese studies, writes novels infused with Japanese culture that incorporate history in mystery. He lives in Minnesota and is grateful for how well his novel, Japanese Ghost in America, has been received, including his college friend who bought it thinking she would not like it and had to admit that she did like the book and is awaiting the sequel--Pilgrimage. Daniel teaches Eastern Studies and Humane Letters at Eagle Ridge Academy High School in Minnetonka, Minnesota. japanseries.com

Colonel B. Wayne Quist MS, holds advanced degrees in management, history, international relations, and psychology. A Vietnam (1964–1968), Middle East (1968–1989) veteran, he is in long-term PTSD recovery and has published nine books on war trauma, history, and international relations. He is the Secretary/Treasurer of Veterans Empowered, in Rochester, Minnesota, an organization devoted to increasing awareness and knowledge of the societal impact of untreated PTSD in combat veterans. Colonel Quist is the co-author of Veterans in Crisis: Treating the Unique Needs of Those Who Served. vetsempowered.org

Sherry Roberts is the author of award-winning contemporary fiction (Up There, Book of Mercy, Maud’s House) and cozy mysteries (Down Dog Diary, Warrior’s Revenge, Crow Calling). Several of her books are Indie Author Project Select titles as well as finalists in the Midwest Book Awards. Up There won the 2024 Minnesota Indie Author Project. Sherry has contributed essays and short stories to various publications including Saint Paul Almanac, Mystery Magazine, Minnesota Not So Nice, Dark Side of the Loon, and It Was a Dark and Stormy Night—Dontcha Know. She lives in Apple Valley, Minnesota. sherry-roberts.com

J. Marie Rundquist believes a day isn’t complete without time spent reading. Stories she loves best–to read and to write–feature characters from all walks of life who learn from one another. When she isn’t writing, you’ll find J. Marie exploring all the K-12 public education world has to offer through teaching, learning, and supporting others in their educational roles.
Despite attempting to live in other parts of the U.S., J. Marie accepted her fate and now embraces six-month winters in Minnesota, showing off photos of hiking in sub-zero temperatures. She lives in the Twin Cities with her family, two cats, and a never-ending supply of Dr. Pepper. jmarierundquist.com

Debbie Russell is a lawyer turned award-winning author. She spent twenty-five years as an Assistant County Attorney in Minneapolis, prosecuting numerous high-profile cases—specializing in those involving domestic and child abuse. At age fifty-five, Debbie took early retirement, giving up a full pension for the freedom of time. She now spends that precious time writing, restoring her property to native prairie and wetlands, and training her rambunctious retrievers.
Debbie's award-winning book, Crossing Fifty-One: Not Quite a Memoir,was released in June of 2023. In 2024, she became a regular contributor to the Minnesota Star Tribune, writing about criminal justice and adjacent issues. debbie-russell.com

Ozgur K. Sahin is a Minneapolis author and life coach working on the third and final title in his award-winning Brethren of the Spanish Main series of historical privateer novels, as well as some nonfiction works and other genres. He has a background in astrophysics, consciousness studies, psychology, gaming and, of course, history. His upcoming nonfiction will focus around approachable takes on narcissism, intuition, and the social dynamics of backlash movements. His first two historical fiction titles, The Wrath of Brotherhood and True Colors, are both in hardcover.
He's also launching a podcast with his colleagues, M.R. Moraine and Caitlyn Moraine, so make sure to visit his table and ask all about it! If you can't make it to his Guest of Honor appearance at MarsCon in Bloomington this year, you can catch him on many panel appearances and readings at MiniCon in St. Louis Park over Easter weekend, or check out his website for details and links to his work. ozgurksahin.com

Ingrid Anderson Sampo has had thirteen short stories published in literary magazines and in anthologies. Her historical novels, A Woman to Reckon With: Priscilla of the Early Church and Lydia, Seller of Purple, From Darkness to Light are available on Amazon. Ingrid has studied writing under Faith Sullivan and Mary Sharratt at The Loft Literary Center, and has attended writing conferences, including Rosemount Writer’s Festival and a Writers Digest Writers Conference. ingridandersonsampo.com

Peggy Munro Scholberg, a resident of Apple Valley, is delighted to at last bring her mother’s story from World War II to publication. Girls in a World at War offers a firsthand account of young women who served in a General Hospital in France during WWII, located near the Battle of the Bulge. Their patients included survivors released from the Dachau concentration camp. The narrative includes crossing the Atlantic, lodging in a castle, and working with German prisoners of war. Trips to Paris, weddings, and the celebration of Victory in Europe (VE) Day are also included. kirkhousepublishers.com/peggymunroscholberg

Ann Schreiber owns Copywriting For You, a copywriting and content writing services for businesses of all shapes and sizes. Each day, she writes SEO-optimized content for businesses to share out on their online blogs to help grow brand awareness about the products and services they sell. She is also an author. Her first book, Perseverance. Reinvention. was released in June 2024 and will be rereleased by the end of 2024 by Fox Pointe Publishing. Her second book, The Top 10 Mistakes I Made My First Year as a Copywriter, will be released in the spring of 2025.

Leslie Schultz (Northfield, Minnesota; has six collections of poetry; of these, Geranium Lake: Poems on Art and Art-Making is her most recent. Her poetry has appeared widely, in such journals as Poet Lore, Mezzo Cammin, Midwest Quarterly, Able Muse, Naugatuck River Review, North Dakota Quarterly, Tipton Poetry Journal, The Orchards Poetry Journal, Pensive, MockingHeart Review. and Blue Unicorn. Twice nominated for Pushcart prizes, she serves as a judge for the Maria W. Faust Sonnet Contest. In addition to poems, she publishes photographs, essays, and fiction; makes quilts and soups; and happily mucks about in a garden plagued by shade, rabbits, and walnut trees. winonamedia.net

Mary Seifert is the Minnesota author behind the IMPACT Award winning Katie and Maverick Cozy Mystery series, must-reads for cozy mystery fans with curious minds and a love for uncovering the truth. When she's not penning her next mystery, she you can find her with a book in one hand, a glass of wine in the other, a bite of chocolate never too far away, and scribbling notes to share with friends. She enjoys walking her energetic dog whose speed is always faster and humorously claims to delete all references to crime from her browser history while awaiting a scrumptious dinner prepared by her live-in chef, also known as her husband, John. Family, friend, and readers have made the writing journey incredible. maryseifertauthor.com

Sigma's Bookshelf is a traditional publishing company that exclusively publishes the work of teen authors. At this year's Rosemount Writer's Festival, we are launching our 23rd title. Lotus Protection: Rise of the Lotus by Shoreview teenager Violet Hirman is a story set in the future. World War Three has come and gone, along with most of the human race. A few of the people left over are different, too. They've developed powers hiding in plain sight that are past humanity's understanding. Corinne Loralar and her twin sister Selena are at the center of it all. sigmasbookshelf.com​

Growing up in New Ulm, Nancy Noyes Silcox has been a librarian in public and school libraries in Virginia and international schools in Egypt, Belgium and Ukraine.
Her first book was a biography of the African American lawyer who organized America’s first civil rights sit-in in 1939. Her newest is historical fiction about early settlers surviving and building the New Ulm community on the Minnesota frontier. nancynoyessilcox.com

As an independent, hybrid publisher, Skywater Publishing Cooperative sits in the sweet spot between traditional publishers and self-publishers to provide a more equal work/reward share between author and publisher.
Traditional publishers harbor majority control over the author, work, and royalties, Self-publishing thrusts all control and work to the author.
Instead, Skywater and the author are collaborators, and our relationship lessens the author’s burden and affords higher royalties to the author than traditional publishers. skywaterpub.com

Angel Solo grew up in a small neighborhood called Ricardo Flores Magon within the beautiful and vibrant city of Mazatlán in Sinaloa, Mexico. In 1991, when he was just three years old, his destiny was influenced by a man who took over a father’s job and in 2006, alongside his only sister at the time, he moved to Minneapolis, MN.
In 2012, Angel joined the U.S. Army, and by 2015 he graduated as a Graphic Designer. Angel was deployed to Kuwait in 2019 and flew over to Iraq for three weeks for a logistics mission.
Angel Solo has three major passions: writing, drawing, and bodybuilding. For a while he juggled between the three. However, the biggest passion won over the other two, and he has decided to dedicate most of his time shooting for the stars and trying with everything he’s got to become a well-known author of novels and children's books. angelsolo.net

Jonathan W. Sweet is an award-winning journalist and the author of eleven books. He has also contributed to or edited more than 30 anthologies and collections. His work has been recognized by the Pulp Factory Awards, Writercon, Bookfest and the Minnesota Writes, Minnesota Reads program.
He is the founder of Brick Pickle Pulp, which publishes books in the classic pulp style, and the host of the Pulp Nostalgia & Old Time Radio and World War II Radio podcasts. In 2020 he was named to the “Who’s Who in New Pulp.” Jonathan lives in the Twin Cities with his wife, two exceptional children and one fairly dim-witted dog. JonathanWSweet.com

Renee Valois has been an award-winning writer for most of her life, winning a Fellowship in writing from the National Endowment for the Arts, and many national awards for her writing which has appeared on TV, radio, social media, websites, print magazines and newspapers. She co-authored a novel, The Devil and the Diva, which was one of four finalists for a Minnesota Book Award in genre writing and was named one of the Best Books of the Year by Minnesota Monthly magazine. Her new nonfiction book was inspired by a dramatic poltergeist encounter.