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2018 Book Fair Author and Vendors

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Rachel Anderson has been recognized many times over the years for her extraordinary work ethic, strong writing and research skills and for her dedication to the task at hand. She has more than 25 years of communications experience across a wide range of disciplines. She currently works as a marketing & PR consultant and publicist, helping small publishers and those who have self published promote their books to local, national and international audiences. 

She also has experience as a television newscast producer, television newscast reporter, newspaper reporter and marketing and direct response copywriter.


Calumet Editions is an author-focused publisher on the leading edge of the changes in the publishing industry. We seek authors who want to develop a strong presence in publishing and are willing to work hard to achieve that goal by author branding. We are not as interested in the single, seasonally published new book as in an author’s life work. We believe a book should be alive forever, not outdated once the next publishing season rolls around. We find the old model — acquisition, print, distribute, sell, return unsold copies, remainder, pulp, put the book out-of-print — disastrously unhelpful for authors; thus, in our new publishing model we seek authors who are willing to fully partner with us for shared risk and shared success.

Sigma’s Bookshelf is a new publishing company that exclusively publishes the work of teen writers ages 12 - 19. The company was started by teen author Justin M. Anderson,  a sophomore at Wayzata High School. As a sponsored project of "Springboard for the Arts,” the service is entirely free to teens whose work is selected for publication. In addition, authors will receive royalties for books sold online and in stores. NOTE: There is a review process. Not all books submitted will be published.

Evelyn Klein's poems and articles have been published in newspapers, journals, and anthologies, including The Saint Paul Almanac. and won poetry prizes. She publishes a newsletter, The Write Connection, and is editor of The Minnesota Scholar.  My three books, include poetry, prose, and art, From Here Across the Bridge, with illustrations by Wolfgang Klein, Once upon a Neighborhood, and Seasons of Desire, include her own art and both placed in Minnesota Historical Society permanent library collection. She regularly speaks about her books and craft in libraries, writers groups, and other organizations.  

Beth Anderson does website and social media work as her full time profession. She has presented on the topic of technology for over 30 years, including to international audiences., and has done private lessons to more people than she could count. In the last year she has begun to focus in on writers, including creating retreats as one of several speakers, with her expertise in social media and ebook publishing.

Ames Sheldon Her novel, Eleanor’s Wars, won the Independent Book Publishers Association’s 2016 Benjamin Franklin Gold Medal Award for Best New Voice in Fiction.

Genta Sebastian, an award-winning and best-selling author of LGBT literature, is a storyteller whose work is often compared to Steinbeck, S.E. Hinton, and Harper Lee. She has entertained audiences from the Fortune 500 and the Disneyland Hotel, to old mining camps in Yosemite National Park and the beaches of Key West. Her latest novel, When Butches Cry, and its soon to be released sequel, Get Yourself Another Butch, have her touring in Europe this summer.

Lois Greiman USA Today bestselling author, Lois Greiman, was born on a cattle ranch in central North Dakota where she learned to ride and spit with the best of them.


She sold her first novel in 1992 and has published more than fifty

titles since then, including romantic comedy, children’s stories, and

her fun-loving Christina McMullen mysteries. A two-time Rita finalist,

she has won such prestigious honors as Romantic Times Storyteller Of

The Year, MFW’s Rising Star, RT’s Love and Laughter, the Toby Bromberg

for most humorous mystery, and the LaVyrle Spencer Award. 

With more than two million books printed worldwide, Ms. Greiman

currently lives on a small farm in Wisconsin with her family, some of

whom are human.

Connie Anderson has been editing book manuscripts for many years—in a wide variety of genres. Her author clients appreciate the insights and honesty she brings to her editing, and agree that the right editor can help make your book the best possible…so find one you can trust. She also makes sure authors write to their intended market, and that they know and avoid costly mistakes in the publishing process. Connie offers FREE sample edit of up to 8 manuscript pages.

Beaver’s Pond Press is an indie publishing company in Edina, Minnesota—turning interesting people into independent authors since 1998. Beaver’s Pond provides our award-winning authors with a full range of editorial, illustration, book design, and print services.


Gloria VanDemmeltraadt’s passion is legacy writing. In addition to teaching people how to capture their own stories, she has written many life stories for others. She is a dynamic speaker and also a hospice volunteer who has written life stories for more than 80 patients. Gloria has published three books: Musing and Munching, Memories of Lake Elmo, and Darkness in Paradise.

Ann Aubitz is the owner and sales representative for Fuzion Print in Burnsville.

Ann has been in the printing industry for 25 years and draws on her experience daily to help her clients. She loves to work with self-publishing authors through all the steps of printing a book.

Ann and her daughter Katlyn have published two books, Katlyn Conquers the World and I Am Princess Katlyn. Ann’s third book, The Many Faces of Down Syndrome, is a collection of stories.

MIPA Founded in 1984, the Midwest Independent Publishing Association exists today as a vibrant professional nonprofit association that serves the upper-Midwest independent publishing community through education, networking, and peer recognition. MIPA is proud to be a sponsor of the Midwest Book Awards and a regional affiliate of the Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA)

HRB Collotzi Author of The Secret of Avonoa (Book 1) and The Shadow of Avonoa (Book 2). The third book in the Avonoa series, The Heart of Avonoa, is currently in the editing process and set for release later this year. I have outlines for two more books in the Avonoa series. Learn more about me and the world of Avonoa at or

Spring Book Design. Dorie McClellan has collaborated with authors, illustrators, cover designers, editors, and publishers to produce over 300 books—trade, coffee table, art, memoirs, family histories, youth, and children's. She enjoys presenting mini-workshops and talks on book design and is  an active member of the sizable and excellent book-building community in the Twin Cities, and is currently a board member and treasurer of the Midwest Independent Publishers Association (MIPA).

Michele Hauf  USA Today Bestselling author Michele Hauf has published over 80 novels of historical, paranormal, and contemporary romance, as well as writing action/adventure as Alex Archer and erotica as Michele Renae.


The launch author for numerous series at Harlequin, she likes writing

in a variety of genres and instead of ‘writing what she knows’ prefers

to write ‘what she would love to know and do’ (and yes, that includes

being a jewel thief and/or a brain surgeon). She celebrates her 81st published book  with The Thief this April.

The Loft Literary Center is one of the nation's leading literary arts centers. The Loft advances the artistic development of writers, fosters a thriving literary community, and inspires a passion for literature.


The Loft offers classes for writers and readers of all ages, manuscript critique services, writing conferences, grants and awards for writers, events and readings, and more. More info at

Smith House Publishing “The publisher doctor is in” 

Stop by our table and ask your publishing questions. We keep up-to-date on all the new and less expensive ways to publish, distribute, and promote your book to a world-wide audience. Writers are drawn to self-publishing for the total creative control, faster access to global markets, and pricing and promotion flexibility.  Call for a free 30-minute phone consultation: 651-490-9408. Let us help you publish your book.

Sybil Smith,,

Lisa Q. Steinberg , writer, researcher and devoted optimist, has been noticing niceness, thinking thankfully and expressing appreciation for over 35 years. Now, hundreds of thank you notes later, she is proud to offer Thanks a Million! Aging with Grace & Gratitude, the third book in her trilogy. These collections are designed to delight audiences and inspire a millennial movement aimed at encouraging a million people of all ages—to each write one thank you note.

Wise Ink is a creative publishing agency for game-changers. We love publishing books. We've helped more than four hundred authors bring their ideas from manuscript to print and we learned a few things. We learned that authors need more. Authors need a strong platform, strategic marketing, top-notch editing, award-winning book design, and a creative team, dedicated to helping you succeed beyond the book. Wise Ink was created to help you—the author with a big picture and the passion to prove it—change the world.

Brian Lutterman is the author of Downfall, which launched the Pen Wilkinson series and is described by Mystery Gazette as “. . .an exhilarating action-packed financial thriller . . .” His other books include Windfall and Freefall, the highly-praised sequels to Downfall, and Bound to Die, a Minnesota Book Award runner-up. Lutterman, a former attorney, writes cutting-edge corporate thrillers, bringing to life the genre’s outsized conflicts and characters with breathtaking action and suspense.

Jeff Falkingham is a mystery lover and history buff who writes for readers of all ages who share those passions. He has published two works of historical fiction for young adults that bring Sherlock Holmes to Minnesota in the late 1800s (County Courthouse Caper and In Search of the Source). To date, Jeff has conducted more than 70 “book talks” at schools, libraries, historical societies, book or social clubs and other venues all across Minnesota.

Lynn Garthwaite 

Blue Spectrum Books to explore and produce books on a wide range of topics and genres. Our goal is first to find those interesting, and sometimes quirky, products that invite a reader to awaken their imaginations. Whether the reader is a child, an adult, or an adult that dreams like a child, we create books especially for your interests.

Blue Spectrum Books is just beginning the journey. Join us! Our States Have Crazy Shapes will make you slap the side of your head while saying – “I never knew that!”

Denis LaComb is a storyteller. Instead of labeling himself as novelist, screenwriter, or playwright, Denis decided that the most apt description of his work would simply be: Storytelling.


Author of nine novels, Denis has written a number of plays.


Laura Zats is the Editorial Manager for Wise Ink Creative Publishing. She is one-half of the weekly publishing podcast, Print Run, and also works as a literary agent. In her free time, Laura serves as the President of the Minnesota Book Publishers' Roundtable, teaches classes on writing and publishing, and drinks a lot of tea. Connect with her on Twitter @LZats.







Roseanne Cheng is the author of two award-winning young adult novels, The Take Back of Lincoln Junior High, and Edge the Bare Garden. She works as marketing director at Wise Ink Creative Publishing, where she helps authors get their work out into the world. Visit her website at

Rose Marie Meuwissen, a first-generation Norwegian American born and raised in Minnesota, always tries to incorporate her Norwegian heritage into her writing. After receiving a BA in Marketing from Concordia University, a Masters in Creative Writing from Hamline University soon followed.


She is a member of Romance Writers of America, co-founder of Romancing the Lakes of Minnesota Writers, and is usually busy writing Contemporary Romance and Norwegian Children’s Books. Minnesota is still where she calls home.

Daniel O’Brien [MA Advanced Japanese Studies] created the Japan Series, “Exploring Japanese culture through mysteries." Daniel is the founder of the Authors Collective, “a group of Authors and Writers at all stages of the writing process collaborating to create and nurture stimulating work and learning to market as Professionals." He organizes public readings for writers and has read at coffee shops, literary centers, and bookstores around Minnesota. He teaches Eastern Studies in High School.

D. E. Munson is author of the novels By the Time I Got There and In Search of Space and Thyme. Award-winning poet, copywriter, graphic designer, folksinger, and former divinity student, his short fiction has appeared in the Where Rivers Converge anthology and Aphelion Magazine. His blog, "Lunch on the Moon" features an out-of-this-world selection of writers, artists, performers, and diners. His genre is magic realism, but he lives in Minnesota.






Timothy McDonnell grew up in the wilderness of northeastern Minnesota on the periphery of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area.  By avocation, he is an avid paddle tripper, writer, and dreamer.  When not in the woods, Timothy is either writing about the woods or dreaming about his next paddle journey.  Since his retirement from teaching, he has written two books, The Contemplative Paddler’s Fireside Companion and The Whole Forest for a Backyard: A Gunflint Trail Wilderness Memoir.  Both have been published by North Star Press of St. Cloud, Inc.

Gary Green grew up on a small dairy farm in central Minnesota. After graduating from St. Cloud State University with a psychology degree he worked in the mental health field for many years. His works include “In Pursuit of Joy”, the story of his recovery from depression and alcoholism; “The Mindful Lifestyle”, an intro to mindfulness; and “The Rebecca Pendragon Trilogy”, a fantasy adventure for young readers that incorporates mindfulness concepts into the story. 

Janet Graber is the award-winning author of several books, including Jacob and the Polar Bears and Muktar and the Camels, which received a McKnight Award in Children's Literature. She was born and grew up in Northern England, a magical place of fairy-tale castles, golden beaches, and desolate moors. She discovered a passion for film, script writing, and the beauty of the written word. Since moving to the United States and raising a family, she has been able to dedicate all her time and effort to writing picture books and middle-grade/YA novels. She has taught writing at the Loft Literary

 Steven Hiebert is a gifted healer, doctor of chiropractic, teacher, and author who lives and works in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He is deeply spiritual and believes that spirituality is an integral part of health and wellbeing. He has been in private practice sine 1990 touching countless lives. Steven’s life’s work and passion is helping people heal. His inspiring message speaks to the heart and soul.

Dave Walbridge writes funny. Wait—strike that. He is a funny writer. Hmmm, no better. How about: Dave writes books, jokes, and scripts funnily. Better? His work has appeared on radio, TV in magazines, on buttons and in books.

His career started on stage, then moved to scriptwriting and now he is a ghostwriter for books.

He will be teaching “Comedy Writing” at this year’s event, runs the American Comedy Writing convention and can be reached at

Sic Semper Serpent is the premier pulp fiction revival publishing house. We are a collective of editors, illustrators, and designers restoring dime-store literature with new books printed in old pulp formats. Our roster of up-and-coming writers and artists get paid industry-shattering royalties for the fully-illustrated fiction they publish with us. Check out “Everlasting Stories” – our $1 digital twist on old pulp magazines at  

Elissa Korenne is an award-winning author and songwriter known for her material on oddballs in history. She left New York City in 2006 to be an artist-in-residence in rural west central Minnesota and has become known as a pioneering rural artist. Gull Lake TEDx chose Korenne to be a featured speaker at their April 2017 conference. Prairie Public Television of North Dakota commissioned her to create songs and appear in ten mini-music documentaries about unusual people in the Midwest. Her first book, Hundred Miles to Nowhere: An Unlikely Love Story (North Star Press) was an Indie Book Award Finalist.

Jim Koepke is the author of six books about a wide variety of subjects.  He was a co-founder of the Bloomington Writer’s Festival.  Jim has taught and spoken about writing for many years.  He is recently retired, having worked thirty years at Hennepin County in the areas of Mental Health and Social Services.  Besides teaching Memoir writing, Jim spends his time writing, running marathons and enjoying the outdoors.

Jody Vitek 

is a multi-published author with Satin Romance, an imprint of Melange Books, LLC. Born and raised in Minnesota, Jody remains close to home living with her husband of twenty-five plus years, three children and a cat named Holly. Between watching her youngest son playing soccer, maintaining one of the many scrapbook albums, gardening and her role as COO of the Vitek household, she writes contemporary romances. Author of Florida Heat, Texas Two Step, and Taming the Texas Beauty

Judy McConnell

obtained a college degree in Comparative Literature and spent her career years as a Training Specialist, teaching and developing manuals for organizational training. After raising a family, she published two memoirs: A Penny a Kiss: Memoir of a Minnesota Girl in the Forties and Fifties and Just Keep Shooting, My Youth in Manhattan: Memoir of a Midwestern Girl in the 1950s and 1960s. Currently she is working on a novel depicting the explosion of the feminist movement in the Sixties and Seventies that transformed the shape of women’s future in America.

Neve Maslakovic

is the author of the Incident series (time-travel whodunits) The Far Time Incident and The Rhinestone Incident as well as a standalone novel, Regarding Ducks and Universes. Neve’s life journey has taken her from Belgrade, Serbia to a PhD at Stanford University's STAR Lab (Space,Telecommunications and Radioscience Lab) to her dream job as a full-time writer. She currently lives with her husband and son near Minneapolis/St. Paul. Booklist called her debut novel, Regarding Ducks and Universes, "Inventive... a delight.

Fred Amram  is a retired U of M emeritus professor of communication, and a writer and inventor. My current specialty is using the imagination productively. As a Holocaust survivor, I also speak regularly about my experiences in Nazi Germany and about the history of genocide. My five published books range from scholarship to memoir. Dozens of articles range from industrial automation to fiction.

Kristin Van Risseghem USA Today bestseller, Amazon bestseller, and award-winning young adult author, grew up in a small town along the Mississippi River with her parents and older sister. Currently, she lives in Minnesota with her husband and a Calico cat named Daizy. Kristin also loves attending book clubs, going shopping, and hanging out with friends. She has come to realize that she absolutely has an addiction to purses and shoes. They are her weakness and probably has way too many of both..






Chris Norbury  is an author and freelance writer whose first novel, Castle Danger, was published in 2016. His second novel, Straight River, will be published in 2018. His writing has also appeared in the Boundary Waters Journal,, and Born and raised in the Twin Cities, he currently lives in Owatonna, MN with his wife and golf clubs. To learn more, please visit his website, 

Sherri Donovan Moore started writing when her youngest child flew the
coop. She wrote the column, "The Old White House" for The Longfellow Nokomis Messenger; finding humor in a couple renovating their Victorian-era house. She retired her column to write her first book. You’ll Be Nothing Without Me is a heartwarming story about a young woman going through a
divorce. This book is close to her heart, as she has witnessed many friends facing financial or emotional hardships, and in some; humor and recovery. She is fond of quoting Cher, “Life ain’t no dress rehearsal.”

Sherri lives in Minneapolis with her husband. Her two children are grown, one on the West Coast, and one in St Paul. She belongs to the WOW writing group and thanks them for their encouragement. Currently, she’s working on a children’s book about a Finnish farm boy.

Loretta Ellsworth is a former teacher and a graduate of Hamline University with a Masters in Writing for Children. She’s the author of four novels for younger readers: The Shrouding Woman, a Rebecca Caudill award nominee; In Search of Mockingbird, which won the Midwest Bookseller's Choice Honor Award, was a Teen's Top Ten finalist, an IRA Notable, and was named to the New York Library's List of Books for the Teen Age; In a Heartbeat, which was named a spring Midwest Connection's Pick and an ALA Notable; and Unforgettable, which was a Kirkus Pick of the Month. Her debut adult novel Stars Over Clear Lake was published last year by St. Martin’s Press.

Lori Spangler is a trainer, Toastmasters member, and writer. Her book, Miles of Memories: One Woman's Journey to all 50 States was released in August 2016. Lori holds a Master of Arts Degree in Communication and is comfortable doing interviews in person or via radio. When not indulging in her passion for travel, Lori can be found reading, biking, eating ice cream, or teaching others the finer points of public speaking.

Wendy Brown-Báez is a writer, teacher, performance poet and installation artist. Wendy is the author of the poetry books Ceremonies of the Spirit and transparencies of light and her poetry and prose appear widely in literary journals and anthologies. She has poems forthcoming from Water~Stone Review and Peregrine Journal. Wendy was awarded McKnight and MN State Arts Board grants to teach writing in non-profits and teaches at schools, libraries, prisons, healing centers, churches, women’s retreats, yoga studios, and arts organizations.

Jacqueline Mosio lived in Mexico and taught photography at a cultural center (Casa de la Cultura) in Ciudad Lázaro Cárdenas, Michoacán. After receiving an MFA degree in creative writing from Columbia University, she returned to St. Paul where she taught editing at the University of Minnesota and works as a writer and editor. She is the author Turning Points: Discovering Meaning and Passion in Turbulent Times, Getting a Jump On Life.

Jacqueline is currently working with Maria Nhambu on her memoir Africa’s Child and America’s Daughter. 


Burt Berlowe is an award-winning author and journalist living in Minneapolis. He has authored seven books, including two in the compassionate rebel series:  The Compassionate Rebel Revolution: Ordinary People Changing the World, Peace and Social Justice Writers Chapbook, Turning Points: Discovering Meaning and Passion in Turbulent Times

Berlowe specializes in writing the untold stories of ordinary people who are changing the world. His compassionate rebel books are examples of how average citizens can build a better world.

Philip Lund contributed to the anthology Peace and Social Justice Writers Chapbook, Turning Points: Discovering Meaning and Passion in Turbulent Times.

As an architect-builder at Philip J. Lund Design + Construction, Inc., Lund believes in the power of relationships to improve lives, communities and the environment. For Nonviolent Peaceforce, he helped stage the fundraising production of “A Peoples’ History of the United States,” with renowned activist Howard Zinn. As facilitator for the Peace and Social Justice Writers Group, Lund is its delegate to the Minnesota Alliance of Peacemakers that works to strengthen the regional peace and justice community.

Stephanie Sorensen is the author of Ma Doula: A Story Tour of Birth. A midwife-turned-author, Sorensen seems to swim seamlessly through cultures, religions, superstitions, raw fear, and ectasy to the first breath of a new baby. Midwife, mother, grandmother, doula, world traveler, and author, Sorensen has five children scattered around the work, grand-children, and over a thousand babies she calls her own. The thirty-three true stories in Ma Doula guide us through her world of Amish bedrooms, hospital labor rooms, birthing suites, and operating theaters. Get your scrubs on. It's time to push!

Aurora Whittet has completed Bloodmark, Bloodrealms, and Bloodmoon of the Bloodmark Saga trilogy. In honor of her mother, who lost her battle with cancer, Aurora started her journey into children's books with Mama's Knight and How to Turn Your Mom into a Monster. Aurora is a national award-winning illustrator and graphic designer in her day job. 

Jeffrey Ollman has been writing mystery/thriller books since 2012. He has been a writer since childhood, penning poems and short stories for family and classmates. After he retired in 2009 he became serious about writing novels and penned his first, Trust Me Now. A year later he followed that with a sequel, Cassandra’s Moon. His other books include The Book Club Murders, Brothers, Tale of the River Rats, and The Devil’s Kettle.

Lydia Emma Niebuhr has been writing children’s books for more than twenty-five years while actively engaged in a science-based career before converting to full-time writing. The goal of her writing for middle grade readers is to provide action and mystery without violence.  Lydia's books incorporate humor and elementary science principles, as well as address family and social issues readers of this age group may encounter.  Her latest books are in the genres of historical fiction and young adult.

Kevin Kuhn's 2017 debut novel, Do You Realize, has won four literary awards including a Bronze Medal for Visionary Fiction from Reader’s Favorite, a Second-Place award from SIBA for Time Travel, and was a Finalist in the National Indie Excellence Book Awards. Mr. Kuhn lives in Eden Prairie, MN with his wife Melinda and their three children.

Donna Chicone is an award-winning author, TEDx speaker, and advocate for dogs. She is a former nurse, family and addictions counselor, 23-year corporate American professional, and host of Jazz and Jive's TV Show. She is a devoted pet parent to her two Portuguese water dogs, Jazz and Jive, and is an advocate for the humane treatment of animals. She lives in Minnesota with her husband. When she isn't writing or speaking about dogs, you'll find her engage in pet-assisted therapy work and K9 Nosework with her dogs jazz and Jive.

Patricia Zurlo is an attorney who helps creative people and organizations bridge the gap between their dreams and the details of the business/legal world.  She focuses her work on providing legal services and meaningful mentoring to authors, artists, musicians, small businesses and nonprofits.  Whenever possible, Patty works from a collaborative model and has training in the transformational mediation process. A former professional classical musician, Patty is an adjunct professor at William Mitchell College of Law in Art and Cultural Heritage as well as in graduate arts management programs on ethics and legal issues.  For more information, go to

Mary Clare Lockman is a retired Oncology/Hospice RN.  She has a BA in Writing from Metropolitan State University. Her stories have appeared in Chicken Soup books, several magazines, and Handprints on My Heart on-line.  She has written four books: They’re Always With You; Warning! Family Vacations May Be Hazardous to Your Health;, Barefoot, Shoefoot, and It Starts With a Lie.   She has four daughters, four sons-in-law, four grandsons, and two granddaughters.   She has been married to Paul for 39 years.

Troy Skog After writing the first three books in The Kings of Pendar series, The Remnants; Jewel of the Elves; The Trolls of Blackwater Deep, I took a break to write something a little different with my “2021” urban fantasy, but I’m back in Pendar making good progress on the fourth book in that traditional fantasy series. The creative process is just so much fun. Even though balancing family, work, writing, and trying to keep active with running and cycling can be trying sometimes it’s worth the extra effort.

Denise Devine  is a USA TODAY bestselling author of sweet contemporary romance who has had a passion for books since the second grade when she discovered Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. She wrote her first book, a mystery, at age thirteen and has been writing ever since. If you’d like to know more about her, you can visit her website at

Donnita Rogers grew up an Indiana Quaker farm girl. She has a PhD in English from the University of Minnesota. After teaching high school and college in Texas, she retired to write the story of the women of Beowulf, an epic in which women are under-represented. After extensive library research and travel in Scandinavia, she wrote her trilogy, The Women of Beowulf, set in 6th century Denmark, Sweden, Norway and England. Rogers currently resides in Northfield, Minnesota.    

Phyllis Moore, author of Pegasus Colony and Storm's Coming, writes science fiction and fantasy in the hopes of entertaining you with the worlds she creates. She is also a painter and photographer.

Mary Wasche  grew up in Wadena, Minnesota, and since winning a state writing contest at age 17, has been a contributing writer to national and regional publications, as well as a reporter/columnist for the Mille Lacs Messenger, a weekly newspaper. She self- published romantic suspense novels in 2015, 2016 and 2017 after buying her rights back from a publisher. She is presently working on screenplays and promotion of her works.

April Munson, author of two children’s books, Old Nell and Her Mock Froggie Pie and The Magic of Christmas Eve, has a BFA degree in Illustration from Syracuse University. An award-winning poet and mother of two grown sons , April says, “Illustrating my ideas, writing down the stories and poems that come to me, and creating children’s books brings immeasurable joy. My purpose is to convey that same joy to readers through pictures and words.”

Heidi Skarie writes visionary novels filled with action, adventure and romance, featuring strong heroes and heroines. Star Rider on the Razor’s Edge is the first book in her science fiction series. She also writes historical novels including Red Willow’s Quest and Annoure and the Dragon Ships. She lives in Minnetonka, MN with her husband. With a background in education, Skarie also teaches writing classes.  Visit her on the web and her blog at

Shipwrekt Books has published more than 150 authors since 2010 via its three literary imprints and the eclectic Folk Opera magazine. Shipwrekt received a silver medal for poetry in 2014 from the Midwest Independent Publishers Association. Our mission at Shipwreckt Books— besides giving voice and opportunity to writers of all stripes – is to elevate independent publishing to the same level as Indie music and film.

RLW Editorial RLW Editorial Services is a small editorial service that provides professional proofreading, copyediting, and developmental editing with a commitment to client satisfaction. We also provide expert proofreading and copyediting for master's theses and doctoral dissertations. Ricki Walters is the owner and editor for RLW Editorial Services. She is a Minnesota based writer and editor, with a passion for science fiction/fantasy, mysteries, thrillers, and middle grade and young adult books. She has written articles for Connections, College Crossings, and the Professional Editors' Network (PEN) Newsletter, and her short stories have been published by Learning through History and Aria Kalsan.

Nadia Giordana, author of Reinventing New Chapters in Your Life at Any Time, is also a speaker, motivator, and cable TV host. She strives to inspire women of all ages to reactivate sidelined dreams and reinvent new chapters in their lives. She is also publisher of WINK magazine, a print publication with a digital companion.

Carol Maschke, author of Ghost of the Gaelic Moon, has a BA in English from Hamline University in St. Paul, MN. She began writing stories as a child as a way to fuel her imagination and channel her creative energies into something tangible. She lives with her cairn terrier dogs in Minnesota and competes with her furry friends in Conformation, Agility, Obedience ,and Barnhunt.


Carol Iverson has been a children’s writer for over 30 years. She sold more than two dozen stories and articles to a variety of magazines including Highlights for Children, Girl’s Life, and The Writer magazine. She is also the author of seven children’s books. She won both a Granny Award and the Wacky Dream Contest from Stories for Children Magazine. Carol taught many Loft classes over the years. Her books include:  Wild Rides—Amusement Parks Around the World; Houses; Fish Sleep with Their Eyes Open

Kiersten Hall has been writing stories all her life... In her head. She is finally taking the time to put those stories down on paper for others to read.  At the moment, besides her published books, there are 11 other titles waiting in the files to be written with more ideas entering whenever something piques Kiersten's 'vivid' imagination. She is striving to release at least one book per year and is looking forward to sharing her stories with the world!  Her books include: "I Do" Fifteen Years of Wedding Misadventures;The Lies We Live;
Corner Confessions
Recipient of the 2017 New Apple Summer E-Book Awards: General Fiction - Official Selection.

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